>>6141360A messenger from the Court of Rudam rides out to Cærys with a missive for the Krawl, he stands on the banks of the River Ave and calls out in a clear voice his mission; should none come cordially to meet him, the letter is tied to an arrow and fired into the walls of the Hyngran ruins over the water.
From the pen of the most loyal servant Herro, of his majesty King Vone I of the Vencs of the House of Rudam, blessed by the great Lord Aagen, born of good blood and just beyond measure, to whatsoever reigneth over the Lathlican;
Though our people have seen battle, we would have it that there should be peace over the whole of Swiftarn, and that enmity be put aside for grander things. We do not write to demand there be love between our nations, only that for as long as his Majesty should reign from the throne of Rudam, that there should be no warring, nor raiding, nor fierce hatred between us, and in seeing that such is found fruitful we may yet grow in harmony.
The King seals it