Here is the full manual of Iconotheurgy, as far as we know. It includes the Empyreal and Probos invocations, as you filched the attention of that curious dice-handler earlier and the Empyreal is always watching.
Try not to blow yourselves up, alright? It'd be a right waste of potential.
>>6112152As the Company is now mostly reformed, you can take action as you would like to.
Any Bannerleaders currently engaged in HIGH STAKES NEGOTIATION (Edward, Scarlett, Zivka) may continue that and *also*, if desired, take control of and perform actions for a Formation not currently broken. Luckily, no one is broken!
Your formations generally have 6 AP and 3 Speed, so pick one and spend their AP, if you'd like to do so. Just be clear about who you're ordering about.