>>6180270>Bureau RenseignementThe Bureau continue their watchfulness for threats and infiltrators across the Orcmanie
>War ActionThe army of the Orcmanie returns to their northern position within Ordalan, raises basic defences, and prepares for the upcoming attack to be launched against the Forsaken Dawn. Warriors Drill, Bowmen Practice, the Knights patrol and the Brise-seiges raise their Trebuchets. The priests of the Orcmanie dispense aid, hear their charges and conduct their sermons; whilst the visiting Barzaentines are allowed to sweep with their pale lanterns to check for signs and presence of the Nachetar-corrupted and excise their foulness from any afflicted Orcman.
But let us not be fooled by the calm before the storm. The attack against the Forsaken Dawn is coming; Vitruvian Rocs will descend with their fire from the skies to make the Dawn burn, and the Guliseare flight will add their scalding light and rapid strikes against the forsaken forces. Like as not, when the Domo raiders are forced back on the defence, the Ordalan will also commit with bows and darting blade... and when the Dawn burns, beset by a thousand cuts and strikes; it will be the Heavy wedge, the arms and armour of the Orcmanie with their King in glorious charge, that will break the centre of the Forsaken host and finally extinguish this forsaken blight upon the world.