Quoted By:
" Some people have no appreciation for free enterprise.
Please do see to it that you stop them! There is a *small* little issue at stake, for by bypassing ancient wards and thinking thoughts unthought for millenia, the Empyreal's Adherents have put punctures in the space between Here and There.
How is a business to thrive when its competitors flood the market? The stuff of dreams, sold at scale, and souls filled with fire! A cosmic sweatshop, churning out copy-cat products of the real achievement it is to be one with the high and the low!
It is a law, you know? Bad currency shall drive out the good. How will the world thrive if every man, woman and child is a Spark-speaking adherent of the High Eye? No balance in such an economy. Far too planned!
If they find enough willing and unwilling souls to shape into form fit for their purpose, they will burn the world. Again! It was so much trouble last time!
Now, in exchange for alleviating this slight particular snaggle that has developed, Scarf is willing to offer a slight round of Conviction, sold at fair price, and so--