>>5750762You wrack your brain for options. Hunting a True Fey like that rabbit-fairy you encountered in the woods would probably avoid angering eth Dark Gods too much, which is ideal, but it will be no easy hunt… And what if you become akin that which you devour? Will eating a Child of Light make you less attuned to the Darkness Beyond?
If you are what you eat, then surely the Red Dragon King would be the best option… And, conveniently, you know exactly where to find THAT quarry. A softer creature than you might feel sympathy, to deprive such an auspicious figure of his final rest, but then HE was never shy about his intent to possibly possess you, seizing your body and your life for his own. As the elves in Wevenore say: ‘they who live by the sword shall also die by the sword’. Here, neither ‘life’ nor ‘sword’ are entirely literal, but you still believe the meaning holds true. However, it will be no easy battle, now that his soul is no longer slumbering... And even a success would surely infuriate the God of Death, gatekeeper of your OWN eternal rest.
Glowie’s mother is an option. The Greatworm Queen is nested nearby—if she has not moved, following the collapse of the base here—and Glowie herself has shown only the most half-hearted reluctance to kill and consume her Queen Mother. Youa re confident you could best her… But is she not more useful alive, as an ally, at least for now? And how divine IS she, really? She was created with the Dark Goddess’ aid, but indirectly, by Fleshweavers of the Master Race.
“…What about a demon?” you ask. “A Greater Demon?”
All heads turn to you, and the Heretic traces a talon in an idle circle across the sigils on his desk as if channeling wisdom from beyond a she considers it. You, of course, have a specific demon in mind—or demoness, perhaps. Irinnile, ‘Auntie Iri’ in her own mind, is the target you envision. Oh, she ahs been an ally at times, but never one without complication. She may have been your mother’s lover—even helped to hew you from raw materials, and to shape you-but she has also repeatedly endangered and betrayed you, seeking to manipulate you or rob you of your powers for her own benefit. You and she had come to a place of understanding, even of mutual trust… But then, when the Paladins of the Holy order of Hawksong struck, she was nowhere to be found, instead fleeing the city without warning and never returning.
Cowardice! Impudence! Disloyalty! And she is still bound to that damnable Green Knight, Sir Heinrich Yosef, who KILLED your mother—bound by a pact and by some twisted and incomprehensible affection. While Irinnile still lives, Heinrich is protected from righteous retribution for this murder, and many more killings of the Master Race’s agents. It is a state of affairs that you have long resented, even if you could force yourself to tolerate it for expediency’s sake.