>>6036517"Heh, sorry kid but it seems this one just isn't your event. This one will go to the team used to repairing, which is-"
>Beta (Core of Steel)"A sculpture? We just make whatever we want?" Karn asks, his daughter nodding.
"You click the nubs into the holes on the other side to stack them, forming them into whatever you want." Chaya says, explaining how they work. "Vox makes something quite like these, though they had a different name. Probably due to copyright nonsense. But you can make anything you can think of."
"Anything, huh? Alright, let's see what I can do here." Karn says, sitting down and tries to grab the first piece. But the flimsy plastic shatters into dust in his fingertips, the general sighing out. "Guess telekinesis it is."
Using his mind, exerting the softest amount of pressure possible, Karn begins assembling something with the bricks present.
"Hey, hold on. Is that-?" Chaya asks after several minutes, her father smirking a bit triumphantly. Hovering before him, in a perfect 1:1 replica is a scouter made of these flimsy, fragile bricks. The general seems quite proud of his creation, using his telekinesis to hold it up to the side of his head. It is a perfect fit. "Wow, that's awesome Dad!"
"I won't lie, putting these things together is... Rather soothing." Karn says, drawing his creation off his face and letting it rest in his open palm. Then, ever so gently he sets it on the table, turning back to the endless buckets of pieces. "Now then, what shall I make next?"
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)