>>5519558>>5519564>>5519565>>5519571>>5519590>>5519606>>5519654>Stick to your master. You had better be careful.You figure it best to stick to your squishy-eared master--even at a fourth of her height and a tenth her power, you can’t help but feel safe alongside her. You clasp her hand, grab for your moss person’s, and follow along after her through the black market.
You look the long corridor of stalls up and down, each and every item the kind of magical contraband that could earn you an expulsion from the academy–oni’s toes, goblin femur wands, smoked elf ears. You find it distasteful, true, but it’s all the same tempting to know these ingredients lend themselves to such powerful magicks.
“‘Scuse me, bub.” A short young woman mutters as she bumps into you, a swarm of rats trailing along past her. Your master near shrieks as her horde cut ahead of your party.
“Ah, no..-- problem..--” You feel a strange squirming about your cloak. You grasp for your left pocket, then your right pocket, then your breast pocket, then your crotch pocket–the BUSCHGROSSMUTTER DECANTER on your person is gone, and in it’s place is a FAT RAT.
You look ahead to see the short woman waving you goodbye and sticking out her tongue, herself and her rat horde now slipping into the black market crowd. You can make out a shiny glass bottle atop one of the many rats in her flock.
>What do you do?