>>6088520>>6088521>>6083942>>6081963Something that annoys me with the Master Of Orion II style 4X games oohhh look at our incredibly detailed economic diplomatic trade warfare simulation look at all the intricate detailed gameplay mechanisms we made planetary and political graphics and demographics econometrics and statistical charts oohh ohhh ok here is an alien insect crab squid dolphin lizard spider monkey man with three eye stalk tentacles. I wish more of these space games would be human only hehe
In the 4X genre, a lot of games let you research civic / governance technology, ie "better" government, also vote to pass laws / edicts policies Endless Space 2 does this, impressively also the board game Armello. The governance tech is presented mostly as an "economic upgrade" like imperial to democracy to confederation etc giving some unambiguous economic, influence or trade, culture boost.
Thinking back to the conventional economic historiography, the end of the 19th century had laissez-faire (just a euphemism for imperialism, yay grab and colonise everything, empires imperialism yay) then you had Keynesianism various state supported welfare countercyclical policies, metamorphosed into what was called tripartite bargaining over the 1950s-60s (state, corporation/capital, labour/unions) In France I believe they had dirigisme (state directed intervention/supervision). Germany had Wandel durch Handel "change through trade" conflict avoidance sometimes also known as doux commerce etc. The 1970s with the oil spike inflation (don't mention Vietnam war legacy spending role in this) the tripartite bargaining broke down, but the end of the Cold War led to the happy Washington Consensus era some vestiges are superficially still recited today eg "free" capital markets no capital controls / fx currency intervention, so-called "independent" central banks, just make it easy for American investment funds and banks to control everything. But nowadays because of Chinese gdp growth, everyone wants to become China to fight China hence a return to state intervention under auspices of national security what the US euphemistically calls strategic competition ie Palmer Luckey doing a bikini cosplay
>>6081963 The oversimplified historiography demonstrates that there is no monotonic improvement in "governance tech" unlike 4X game research upgrades; what occurs is oscillation in state intervention meddling, often due to unspoken imperatives of nationalistic undercurrents / militaristic warfare needs industrial competition to sustain/revive growth. We are currently in an era of increasing debt, state intervention, fiscal activism. So I think there should be an element of this in 4X games, the extent of state intervention which oscillates with economic growth
>In real life you simply cannot increase the tax revenue slider in Master Of Orion II unless you convince people to start a war