>>5411893>>5411952>>5411967>>5412414>>5412441When you arrived in Everlund, you had naught but your weapon and the clothes on your back. Now with money to spare, what better time to - how do the surface-dwellers say it? 'Live a little?' You browse today's wares for anything that might catch your eye, while remaining frugal with your fortune. First is something essential, a potion that can hide your tracks and conceal your scent, a boon to any individual that is being hunted.
There is wine of course, imported from the city of Berdusk. That is in the Heartlands, where Willow is from, is it not? And more perfume, to replace the bottle which was expended during your duel with Malar's priest - the peddler alleges that this one, dedicated to the goddess of love herself, is guaranteed to make you twenty times more delectable. Why these savage human folk have such a great fondness for devouring one another, you will simply never understand. Those instances in which you can recall supping on the flesh other Ilythiiri were purely a matter of survival.
On to the matter of rebuilding your wardrobe. Fitting hosiery are a necessity for any fashionable woman, together with a makeup kit that includes an armory of hair care accessories. You also happen across a scanty single-piece garment advertised as 'Drow Swimwear,' which was doubtless made with spider silk woven by talented Ilythiiri hands. How it found its way here is a mystery, though it will be of use, should the opportunity for a recreational swim present itself.
That is everything for today, you believe...