>>5345158Well, technically speaking Talos styles himself Arch Dominus (his loadout seems to still reflect it Omnisian Axe, Macrostubber, Eradication Ray). The official model does give them a tiny one, although it's obviously the Axe that's their primary melee weapon. Up to QM if fluffwise we still have the basic stuff like emergency data-jacks for wired comms and small claws for fine things. Although, it would be pretty funny to think if Talos is so good at mechanical control and such a masterful genetor he could perform complicated surgery on a ratling while holding a scalpel. . .with a Kastellan fist.
I wonder if Talos would ever consider styling himself Dominatus-Dominus instead of just Archmagos Dominus. Probably only Kelbor Hal in the entire Galaxy could challenge him for that title. Or maybe Arkhan Land if he's as hot shit in this age as the lore says he is.