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Oh hi, Agents!
Good to have you. This is all perfectly straightforward, alright?
Yeah, I know, I know, it's not the most exciting operation and all, but we have to take what we can get, y'know? Also, with the insurance damages and the investigation into that little, uh, near-terrorist incident last week, maybe laying low and playing subtle is going to work in our favour? You're going shopping, Agents!
Night Market Chasing Reprieve (or Reprieve Chaser?) -- well - the actual name is Elated-Reprieve-From-Sorrows-Many-Chased-By-Dreams-of-Encroaching-Dawnlight - is a definitive hotspot of activity related to our investigations into project FEYWILD.
You'll be going in, checking it over, looking for leads, taking samples to check for trace bio-byproducts, and hopefully we'll find some lines that get us closer to Dr. Despango's not-so-far-located-and-presumably-secret workshop.
There is also the matter of subject FETCH. I've been up for three days running profiling on its - her - genetic structure and I've finally managed to narrow down the specific knock-out sequences inserted by Dr. Despango into his trial subjects. So if you're tired of having an experimental subject crawling all over the walls, moodily attacking people and complaining, well, good news! I've got a shopping list for materials to acquire so we can finally, finally get her some food she can metabolise!
>New recruits may notice the slight adjustment to the recruitment procedure?
Limit 12
Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1
Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2
!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]
Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit