>>5763151A tense standoff between Agent Harper and Blackjack grows longer, moment by moment. The sound of the dogs barking outside gets louder. Before it reaches them, Harper breaks away to grab a heavy chair and shove it into the hole in the window she made. An improvised barricade. Blackjack spots an opportunity to act during this, a single moment where she might be able to strike while Harper's guard is down ... but she wants to know where this is going.
Harper refocuses on the criminal she has at gunpoint. "What do you know about the syndicate's connection to Phoenix?
"To what?"
"Project Phoenix." Harper's eyes narrow. "What do you know?"
Blackjack is confused. It sounds like a story from a comic book or a science fiction novel. She thinks about lying, then decides against it and just shakes her head. "Never heard of it."
"Then you have no idea what's being kept here," Harper says. "You're just here because ... why? Money? Revenge?"
"We all have our reasons," Blackjack says.
Harper's eyes evaluate the truth of Blackjack's words. Her gaze flickers to the QRF operative at the door, then back. She talks quietly so she can't be overheard. "Come with me. Not to the police station. I know a place we won't be found. There are things you and your friends need to know. And ..." She frowns, hating what she's about to say. "I need your help."