>>6004552“Extrasensory-keep-out armor... Oh, the anti-psychic lining? Yea, some of it got ripped out during the 'roid fight, never got ta replacing it." Goldsmith awkwardly scratches the back of his head, “figured we ain't gonna need the thing anyway. As long as it's not <span class="mu-i">that</span>, who cares?” At Goldsmith's emphatic <span class="mu-i">that</span>, one of his subordinates sneaks a nervous peek your way, but quickly loses heart when you return the favour.
“Referent of ‘there'? Speak straight. Long tails are dead for centuries.” Every engi within earshot, probably half the department by now, hastily draws cross-in-circles with their thumbs. Interesting, so they do know all the different names for Lamians. Goldsmith follows suit, “Shush, don't go around screaming their name like that. What if she's hearing?”
These scaredy spacers and their superstitions... You single out the lazy-eyed deckhand, “Impolite-you, Impolite-you. Copulate with its mother." First, the hell is wrong with the shipboard Shanghaian-to-English translator? Second, who coded the Shanghaian equivalent of Mir curses into your choker? "I saw comrade winking this direction earlier. Add anything, no? Comments on the long tails, possible?” Another round of cross-in-circles.
The soon-to-be janitor's body may be frozen stiff, but his mouth is still very much capable of movement. Excessive movement, even. “Mamama'amm, no no c-comments. Thank queue for as-s-s-sking.” Normally, you would press the issue, but too much's on your mind already. “Go rest then.” Released from your Gorgon gaze, his flash-thawed legs hastily beat retreat.
“So I assume ya going to Tzu after this?” You give the breeziest of nods. “Permission to tag along then. Don't know enough about psych shit to judge how well, or uh badly, everything's going.” You beckon him to follow with half-smiling eyes.
Goldsmith's stumpy legs could barely keep up with your arrogant stride. His grasping pants gnaw at your heartstrings, no, if you slow down you will never work up the courage to see Tsu again. You pass by Tim on the way, who curiously observes your determined march in utter silence.