Quoted By:
INI 15- Fiskersonn- 4 ATK vs DEF 7- 10+ to Hit Rozov BM-5. 1 Crit with Cannon. [Rozov evades with MIRAGE ASPECT]
INI 10+1- Rozov’s ROSEBUSH TOKEN activates- Counterfire with Priority, Platoon Leader’s main weapon only- 3.7cm AA Cannon Multi-fire. 4 ATK vs 4 DEF- 2 Hits. Increased Damage from Pen 3 against Armor 1. [Vehicles 1 and 2 Hit] [Automatic Token Usage due to First Proc Pixy Charm- Pixy Charm Effect- Token effect powered up, reusable per battle rather than once only]
INI 10- Unterbrust- 4 ATK vs DEF 7- 10+ to Hit Rozov BM-5 Platoon. 1 Crit with HMG.
INI 10- Hauer- 1 ATK vs DEF 7- 10+ to Hit uu31 BM-5. 1 Crit. [Ranger’s Cloak not activated- Enemy has Spotted you in Spot Phase]
INI 9- Beretier- ATK 4 vs DEF 5 – 6+ to Hit. 1 Hit, 2 Damage against Y16 BM-5. ATK 4 vs DEF 3- 4+ to Hit. +1 Hit from Suppression- X18 Moskity suppressed.
INI 9- Rheiner- ATK 3 vs DEF 3- 5+ to Hit ee13 T-8 (Moskity). 3 Hits. Extra Damage from +2 Penetration on 1 Armor.
INI 7- Rozov’s Platoon attacks Unterbrust- 2cm Cannon Multifire. ATK 4 vs DEF 4- 2 Hits, [Hits to Vehicles 2 and 4]
INI 7- uu31 BM-5s attack Hauer. 3 ATK vs 2+2 DEF- 6+ to Hit. 1 Hit. [1 Damage to Vehicle 3]
INI 7- Y16 BM-5s attack Beretier. 3 ATK vs 4+2 DEF- 8+ to Hit. 1 Crit. [2 Damage to Vehicle 2] [Token Use will reduce damage]
INI 5- tt33 T-16s attack Fiskersonn. 3 ATK vs 4+2 DEF- 8+ to Hit. 1 Hit, 1 Crit. Extra Damage from Pierce 4 against 1 Armor. [2 Damage to Vehicles 2 and 1] [Use of Seawind Token will reduce to 1 Hit]
INI 5- ee13 T-8s attack Rheiner. 2 ATK vs 1 DEF- 4+ to Hit. 1 Hit. [1 Damage to Vehicle 2]
INI 4- Sikorsky- ATK 4 vs DEF 5- 6+ to Hit U21 BM-5s. 1 Hits, 1 Damage.
Both Fiskersonn and Freya knew, by some instinct or sense, who the deadliest man on the field was. The danger was known- Yet they were the sorts to challenge it.
Lieutenant Fiskersonn was fast- the speed and skill of his own cannon shot would have readily slain any normal opponent like he was a Wastes Gunslinger shooting a black-hat dead with a six-shooter.
Yet this was no normal opponent. Missed? How could he have missed? He was certain that should have struck. Yet…
Rozov’s driver swerved- a shell whistled right past the commander ace’s shoulder, and he laughed in appreciation and fright- yes, he was right. These were fearsome men that Vynmark had gathered here. If he was arrogant Krasnyy, he would have died with the first shot. A tip of the hat, to whoever that was. His deadliest opponent yet.
Or…he found his attention drawn south. A group emerging to attack- him, he knew. Well, he had surrendered the first shot- dared fate to hit him. Yet he would not surrender <span class="mu-i">this</span> one. He directed the gunner to pivot the power-traverse- and shoot the other one, who he had the sense, was even more dangerous than the other. His personal vehicle was armed with a 3.7 centimeter repeating cannon- and it spat death more certain than a Devil.