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Your predecessor, Wrix Val, the Unspeakable, created and retrofitted Esaal Stealth-Cruiser Technology for your own ships. While a bit expensive and more complicated then a normal ship- Stealth-Ships can fly under the radar of Hyperspace and other traditional scanners- allowing them to slip under the enemy's watch.
While the cruisers will invariably be useful in any given war or conflict, as well as for reconnaissance, you will certainly get more value out of them the very first time they are used- when nobody expects them. No other power in space, not even the pirates or HVS authorities, know you have these yet. The top secret project will finally bear fruit by launching a secret strike on the <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">Prototype Battleship</span></span>! Your simulations are certain that these ships can destroy the battleship construction platform and associated resources- but- getting the ships back is not so easy. The Threemind explains.
“...Hyperspace Beacons are a rather rudimentary technology. Able to stop ships from activating FTL travel in a given system- essentially able to act as blockades or traps. Usually put on space stations or planetary bases- they aren't very mobile- making them perfect for defense. Most of our enemies seem to have this technology. However, it will require a lock on to function, meaning our stealth cruisers can slip in- but getting out past the heavily defended systems around the construction site will be nigh impossible.”
<span class="mu-g">”It's a one way mission then.”</span>
“Yes- unless they can fight their way out- which in this case, they cannot. It would trying to fight thru and escape multiple fully colonized, militarized, and civilian-heavy systems. The stealth cruisers would almost certainly be captured.”
<span class="mu-g">”So? Arm the ships with self destruction devices.”</span>
“The ships cannot easily be piloted by artificial intelligence; Hyperspace jumps and bombing of this precision will require living crews.”
<span class="mu-g">”And? This is too important. The crew must be expendable. See to it.”</span>
From all across the Hegemony- a call goes out. It is answered almost immediately- you did not expect an all volunteer crew- you thought you'd have to force all of the personnel you would need. The AI accepts the applicants based on age and life-fulfillment first- those with long careers, with fading neuroplastisity, and large families they have already contributed to, etc. Though unfortunately due to the importance of this mission, the absolute oldest cannot be used in the event of possible incompetence and failure.