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TalOS could not find himself easily pulled away from the warfooting just like his brothers. His brain was created to reward the actions of war and release chemical compounds that rewarded the art of continuing a warlike footing. It gave TalOS the impression that he was where he belonged even as they were greater places for him to be.
The war continued without any sight of the Rangdan themselves for the Death Guard to slaughter. TalOS knew for a fact that the Xenos realized that the Death Guard were being built for this exact kind of war by Mortarion.
When the Rangdan Slaves threw themselves at the Death Guard the Death Guard received them kindly with Artillery fire and flamers. Lines of fire were kept with a distinct focus on running supplies. There were not many serfs among the Death Guard and only the Auxilia of Lucius were the mortals among them. That counted for both the frontliners, Artillery Crews, and those that were running supply.
One would think it a waste for the Astartes to be used for Supply Transport but then why would a Primarch use such tactics? A Primarch was a pinnacle of human understanding that knew war better than any known life form. So TalOS took in the information and realized there were a few items that were neglected.
By using armored personnel as Artillery and Supply carriers they were denying the enemy any form of subterfuge. If someone tried to ambush an Artillery Crew they would find themselves fighting the same kind of forces they were fighting on the front.
The same went for those forces that ran supplies. While such an attack would find maybe a one to three Astartes against a dozen foes, it was one to three Astartes against <span class="mu-i">only</span> a dozen foes. It would quickly become a blood bath where the Astartes can either resume their previous actions or get new material from what was destroyed in the fight.
These disruptions would still hurt the overall war effort but they were always at minimal value.
It was a waste of resources in the end but only in that you did not have an armored fist that could be slammed into the enemy. By the Death Guard committing themselves to this stratagem of battle they were but a reinforced wall much like the Imperial Fists. So perfect were they that few Rangdan Xenoforms had been seen in the areas that TalOS was exploring.
After weeks of fighting though, when the Rangdan were forced into the manufactured corner that the Death Guard engineered, were they forced to come out.