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Emma and Karuna are still talking as they leave the service station, its flat, steel roof up above now floating over them, its sides shining blue and red all over the pavement outside. Cars still come in and out, a few people argue over the price of fuel, and both Marcela and Camila are facing Angel, the first sporting a single red cheek and the latter teeth marks on her neck.
Camila: Ok, spit it, soldier. What dumbass idea do I have to reject?
Angel: The military and the police department are different forces, though.
Camila: Who cares, they all shoot people! What do we do now?
Angel: Hardcore lesbian shit.
Whatever Camila says is unintelligible, but she’s clearly mad at the repeated joke.
Angel: Let’s earn our dessert. We’ll steal from the store and then compare our bounty, Whoever gets the most wins.
The chain reaction drives even Camila back to sanity.
Camila: Wh- BUT- Y-you! This- you are the one who wants to be a cop! It shouldn’t be ME saying how wrong that is!
Angel: It’s not that wrong.
Camila: Of course you dumbass! Now what about all that not stealing from anyone crap?
Angel scratches her chin, deep in thought.
Angel: Well, the wages for the Diesel are outrageous.
Camila: It’s legal! They can do what they want, they own the place!
Angel: It can be evil and legal.
Emma’s eyes widened. Did something that deep just came out of Angel? And yet, anyway… isn’t this a bit too dangerous? Service stations are robbed by armed thugs sometimes, so there are bound to be some security measures.
You ponder about it. What’s the worst that could happen? Hmm…
>Let’s send in the invisible one so she can trigger the alarm. That oughta do it.
>Or the one that turns off lights around her. She could just shut the place down.
>The one that can make holograms could still work. She could fake a security guard somewhere.
>Let them be. Maybe Emma will do something.