Quoted By:
"My instinct tells me that you're right, that maiden could be important and we shouldn't let her disappear. But I must ask, why did you hide from the other women? Do you know her?"
"I was following my own instincts in that moment. Somehow, I felt that I should not allow myself to be seen by her just yet. Now, lets make haste, before we lose the maiden's trail."
As the two of you stalk through the crowd, the chance that this maiden may disappear seems more likely with every passing moment. You decide to take a detour and get on top of a building, to get a better view. This proves fruitful as you spot the women further off in the crowd. Neither of you wish to outright run after her, but your pace does quicken. Soon enough, as you swim through the crowd, you manage to reach her. For a short time you follow closely behind, there is an odd reluctant feeling to her that prevents you from approaching. She suddenly turns a corner into a more secluded alley way, then another and another. You cross that final threshold yourself and find her waiting. She doesn't look directly at you, instead you watches over your shoulder and beyond.
"Have you come for me at the behest of the Jikininki clan? Have they run out of patience with me?" She speaks directly to you. There is no emotion in her voice, and shows no fear to the protect of being pursued by possible thugs.
"No maiden, we have come at our own behest. We seek you out for aid in unravelling a mystery."