Quoted By:
In order to help me gain a better grasp of the Hainei, Hale instructed me over to a table that was near the wall consoles of the command center, sequestered to the corner. I beheld a black surface that was consistent with glass, I think. It reflected the orange ceiling lights as Hale pressed some buttons from his end.
I was aghast to see it light up then, with a blue tinge not unlike that of of the other computer screens in the room. It showed me a comprehensive world atlas of Hainei, but Hale stressed to me that it might not be completely up to date. For our purposes, it would suffice however.
[HALE] "In this world, there are three main continents populated and claimed by territorial entities. The one we're in, Siegesia, the so-called 'Continent of Heroes'. The neighboring continent, Shengesia, the 'Imperial World'. And far behind that, Yongesia, the 'Sword Continent'."
[HALE] "At the poles of the world, the north harbors Kalaheimr, the 'Shattered North Pole', which was cracked one thousand years ago by the arrival of the legendary 'Millennium Moon'. Opposite to that, in the south, is the arctic Frostreach Continent, which has hardly been explored at all for its inhospitality to life in general. Who knows what lies there?"
[HALE] "And dividing our world's water is two oceans. We generally accept that the western hemisphere harbors the Opaltic Ocean, which drives a line right through Shengesia and which all the waters in Siegesia are part of. The sibling ocean is the Rubic Ocean. The Rubic Ocean is a dangerous place, and has become marked by devils."
'Why is that? How does an entire ocean become a danger zone for all?'
[HALE] "Because from the hadal zones of the Rubic Ocean is where the Afterseas Khanate rises. Somewhere deep in the bottom of the Rubic Ocean, it is speculated there is a direct access to the underworld. This anomalous bridge between the realm of life and death is known as the 'Hellhole', or the 'Great Deep'. The Trinity has yet to find it. According to satellite imagery from the Interior Ministry, the bottom of the Rubic Ocean is polluted with a dark cloud that can be seen from orbit, as large as most of Yongesia's islands. It is likely somewhere there in that underwater storm. Of course, any god would be able to walk the deepest seafloor easily, but it is unknown what dangers are present around the Hellhole. One does not simply walk into the Afterseas from this hole."
[HALE] "Additionally, there are rumors..."
[HALE] "They say there was once another continent, one that has been lost. But that is all merely a children's story tale. There are many different postulations of the world from ages ago, ranging from theories of a supercontinent all these continents used to be merged into to sinking lands now below the seas. Nothing but theory, I'd say."