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Before we start deploying, we should come up with some plans.
This is probably our hardest battle, so we can't just wing it like usual.
Not only are we on the defensive, but we've seen how the enemy is willing to just ignore our troops and go around them to get to their goal like they did with Magor.
With that in mind, I'd suggest that we focus most of our forces on creating a tight perimeter around the region where Chamon Dharek is located. I outlined this in red. From there, the extra units we have left over can either be kept closer inside as a second layer, or be placed further out in advantageous locations which I've drawn in orange. Cavalry can be placed in spots that let them maneuver around while still having the initiative advantage, which has been marked in magenta/pink.
Some of these outer spots would be best for units that are intended to be sacrificed, such as the Bloodletters of Khorne, or the high HP units.
I would also recommend that we keep a strong detachment of units surrounding Chamon Dharek at all times so that the enemy can't try anything sneaky by sailing right up to the coast.
If anything, it might be best if said detachment is entirely comprised of our Warlord unit. As powerful as the extra attack per turn is, I think it's more valuable to not risk jeopardizing the entire rest of our forces. At least, not until we've started taking heavy losses on the front lines.
Anyways, that's just my idea. What do you guys think?