Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 8, 8, 4, 3, 6, 4, 8 = 44 (8d10)
Oh yeah bringing on a colony of Sea Sultans was a fantastic idea, you start with six and by the end of the day you have sixty and they've got territorial pretensions. I'd climb into the rafters and cry but Bloom is up there doing Steelsoul Things and I don't disturb others when they meditate.
Anyway, being fast is easy. Just Don't Be Slow. It's not that hard, Ryona, no big secret. I could tell you the Real Secret, but before I do that, let me see how you move. I tried showing this to Toby but he ended up headbutting a wall...
>Pick One:
!Rolling Footwork:
Move up to your SPD when dodging, each tile is +1Dodge Dice
>You set direction, like so: "1Sta: Dodge 222 for +3dodge"
!Move By Cover: [Free] Maintain cover bonus on first move/turn. If you end turn in cover, take cover freely.
!Don’t Be Slow: 1 Fatigue, treat your Reaction as +SPD this turn.
>2 Reaction would be +2SPD, but do note that treating your Reaction as SPD also implies you have 0 Reaction in case you're trying to avoid things.
The real secret of SPEED is that people underestimate how useful it is to be slow. Yeah, I can be all mysterious too! It's NOT just Pen!
But think about it: You rush around using your SPD and your Stamina. Sure, but if you take it measured-wise, you do better. Maybe with Speed 4, you'd want to move 3 steps and use a Quick Action to dive into cover? Or hit a switch, or pull something, or try to have a quick look around the area? Quick Actions at 1 dice from the thing you're doing, but moving around doesn't use dice, now does it? Well, not quite, but it still pays for Quick Actions by simply using your SPD. It's a lot more useful than you think, because it means the ability to move forward then roll into cover or take a peek around a corner (With SPD 4: Move 333, peek into the room, -1). You won't get high results, but you will learn to think as you move. Eh?
Now about that <span class="mu-s">thing</span> wrapped around your face. I know it's Whispercloth, I've read almost half a book on Theurgic Fashion. Supposedly the few that find solace in thinking about the Icon they call Karathiel call upon the deeper dark above and fashion it into... That.
If you wrap it around your hands, you can fold it to make the world catch the light differently. Yeah, I know that sounds confusing but I'm just quoting from the book. Here, let me show you:
>[1Sta] Wrap 2 Length around my torso for 2 Stealth
>[1Sta] Wrap 1 Length around my torso for 1 Armor
>[1Sta] Wrap 1 Length around my hands for 1Grab
Behold, I'm quiet, protected and with some handy work I can grab and hold <span class="mu-s">anything</span>. Of course there's not a lot of Length left like this.
>[1Sta] Unwrap 2 Stealth, 1 Grab for 3 Length
>[1Sta] Try to catch that Sea Sultant over there..