>>6094385>>6094466The ringleader of this entire escapade was right in front of you. He could make all the empty boasts and threats he’d like, but he was not about to escape your talons. You decide to leave the other ship to Alvin’s men. Let them pull their own weight. Lifting your axe, you continue moving forward on the enemy vessel towards Omar. As you draw nearer, you can see the pirate captain’s toothy grin slowly melting away from his face. He realizes with great dread that none of his men will be putting themselves between the two of you. Left with no recourse, he draws his steel cutlass, and engages you in battle with a roar.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKzd28mlqGU>Omar: 19 STR + 10 (Steel Sword) = 29 - 18 DEF = 11 DMG>Tristain: 29/46 HPOmar was definitely a few notches above his men. It was clear to see how he’d come to be the top dog amongst them. He lashes out at you with superior speed, landing a strong blow against your chest. He attacks with a swift fury. After seeing what you did to his subordinates, he’s well aware that giving you an opportunity to attack would be a bad idea.
“I don’t care who you are!” The pirate captain yells in-between strikes. “No one gets in the way of me and my loot!”
You were confident in your abilities, but you were not conceited enough to believe you were the perfect warrior. You knew you had weaknesses the same as anyone else. And while you perhaps had an obscene might, your agility was left wanting. Foes like Omar, who excelled in speed, could be a problem if left unchecked. Your Crest however, allowed you to level that playing field. For just the briefest of moments, you could greatly enhance the speed of your attacks beyond what any were capable of. And while you could have beaten the pirate without needing to rely on this technique, that other ship meant that time was of the essence.
You parry one of Omar’s strikes and counter with a slash across his chest. He yelps, and takes a backstep to escape your reach. He never stands a chance though. Your axe glows blue with the Crest of Indech, and you follow-up attack with a deft cut that the man never sees. He succeeds in creating distance between the two of you. Omar moves to raise his sword, only to find two bloody spurting stumps instead.
>30xp gained! (30/100)>Crest of Indech (1/3 Charges)“Huh…”? Omar exclaims, looking dumbfounded at his missing appendages. “This…this was a damn setup…” He mutters, before falling face down on the deck.”
You walk over to one of the pirate captain’s severed hands, and remove the red gem from its finger. Wiping it clean against your arm, you inspect it closely. You didn’t know much about jewelry, but maybe Yulia would like it?
>Obtained Red Gem! (Worth 2500g)