>>5293162>>5293165>18You let your wind wander, away and away from your current situation and towards that lattice of probabilities and eventualities that forms the flow of time and destiny. It is a difficult thing to predict the future, of course—it is why entire orders of Serpent Priests still must use their knowledge of the stars and seasons to help guide their own divinations. You get a sense, though, of three things:
One: the path forward which is fastest is, indeed, right through the purported zone of greatest danger, as you suspected. You are about half-way through it, and one long march without rest (or two days' travel, with rest) will see you through this zone.
Two: The danger is real. Something big, and old, dwells here. It is weak of mind, strong of body, and has fed on hundreds of warriors--some mightier even than you.
Three: This great danger is not yet aware of you… But something else is.
>79You open your eyes, head snapping eastward—to the area below and behind you. Something has stalked you, beyond the expanse of your natural senses… But not these mystic ones. Glowie follows your gaze, sitting upright in wariness as she senses your own tension. Though she can speak—the ‘speech therapy’ with the Novice has seemingly been going well enough—she does not. She just looks to you, questioningly.
Nobody else seems to have noticed the presence, nor can you see anything… But you KNOW it lurks there. Not what it is, or even necessarily WHY it follows you, but there is… Something.
What do you do?
>Set a trap Glowie, to catch this pursuer in an ambush before it knows it has been detected>Summon your retinue’s members who are currently on watch, and alert them to the presence>Roar a challenge into the darkness beyond your vision, letting the damnable stalker know that YOU know it is there, and will not tolerate it any longer>Call out a greeting into the black—perhaps this can be addressed diplomatically, as with the elves?>Ignore it, and press on—it is not the TRUEST danger here, and if a scavenger seeks to pick at you in a time of weakness… Well, you’ll simply show no weakness>Write-in