>>5338318When you make this suggestion, Ambassador R'glargh laughs hysterically and immediately votes for it without hearing Durak's or Reneil's objections. Both ambassadors try to persuade the Mirror Human, but Ambassador Malfance abstains due to lack of interest, leaving you with the deciding vote. You of course vote for your own idea, binding the Lizdassians to the ridiculous decision.
Ambassador Reneil is clearly irritated, but politely accepts the terms, as this was totally about art, and not about anything else. He also agrees to withdraw the complaint that was the 'eighteenth' violation, and leaves it at just seventeen violations. He is extremely vague as to what will be done with the 'artistically significant' emblems. Ambassador Durak is mildly annoyed that he wasn't able to completely shut down the Noseridge ambassador, but doesn't seem too upset.
Congratulations, Princess Nya! You have successfully navigated a minor dispute with a ridiculous suggestion, earning the following effects for the galaxy:
>Slight Galactic Reputation Improvement: Everyone still thinks your people are morons, but most of them will grudgingly admit that you might not just be a puppet state>Slight Kurrdurr Relations Improvement: Ambassador R'glargh thinks you're funny, and will speak highly of you in the Emperor's court>Lizdassian, Noseridge, and Ferdongu Relations remain staticMore tomorrow.