>>5426480>>5426484OPTION SELECTED:
>Engage Staff Roll Part 2Part 2 ~ Side Characters
>Jill ValentineThe STARS member, having carved a bloody path through LA and finding an unlikely friend, had weathered the worst of it. With one of the many abandoned vehicles given to her by some bizarre, perhaps insane man calling himself the Pope, she drove her way through the Californian deserts. The journey was nowhere near as eventful as the events prior, and she safely made it to Las Vegas. Or, as she would come to find out, New Vegas.
The city had gone through a brief period of collapse as it was cut off from the usual authorities. The Federal government had become something of a rump UN state fighting bitterly for control over the Eastern Seaboard while the State government had been taken over by some kind of emergent fascist coalition of warlords in the northwest American heartlands. In this vacuum Las Vegas reinvented itself as a free city in New Vegas.
Jill was welcomed into the city after an initially tense situation. The story of her escape, from the helicopter crash to the sniper-duel, was looked at like something straight out of a movie. There were doubts, but she had the legendary artifacts to prove the story and gained considerable respect for her exploits from the peoples of New Vegas.
Porfirio wondered what exactly became of her. Perhaps in time he would find out.
>Fun Fact: There is an additional purpose to her inclusion. Not only is she the mystery-box character that satisfied a [COMBAT] niche, but it is a way to put to rest an old dispute that happened during 2nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders. People were feuding over the inclusion of a 'battle nun' archetype leader who I vaguely recall was (you guessed it) Jill Valentine. The character was rejected (I made it clear that it was a stretch, but still possible to include since the powers given to the Pope are so hilariously broad that you can get away with such things) but this puts a final bow on the whole thing. There is now, in fact, a Jill Valentine badass action girl archetype character who fell from the skies in a helicopter crash. Only, she's now in New Vegas. So, if Porfirio is reunited with the Crusaders and is taken to New Vegas, you may find someone waiting for you...[1/???]