>>6179726>“Don’t worry about it, I’ll look after Elric should something happen to you. Just don’t take that as permission to go dying off anytime soon and leaving me stuck with him. Asking me a request as serious as that makes it sound like you’re ready to keel over.”Cuthbert snorts, a slight grin creeping up at the corner of his mouth. “I didn’t make it this far to die in these scorching deserts, you can count on that. Just thought it would be best to bring it up is all. I’ll keep a bit more of a watchful eye on the kid. Should I notice him acting any stranger than he is now, I’ll let you know.”
>You receive a B-Support w/ Cuthbert! (+2 STR when 3 squares next to each other)The next day, you and your party continue your journey to Hima. You’re able to see it from a distance hours before you even arrive at the gates.The settlement truly is baked into the very mountains itself. This is no small hamlet or village. Hima is a sprawling, populous town. As you leave the sands behind for the mountain trails, you begin your ascent. The higher you go, the cooler the air becomes, and soon the heat of the desert all but vanishes. Still, the climb is long and strenuous.
“People really live all the way up here?” May asks, huffing heavily.
“For some, it beats living in the desert.” Cassius says. “The chilly mountain air provides them with a reprieve from the heat. And with Hima’s remote location and heavy security, they don’t have to worry about any issues such as terrors or bandits. There’s also a trail just like this on the opposite end of the city, that leads to Shangri-La and eventually Morfis itself.”
“Our mages are capable of conjuring their own food.” Nadia reminds May. “With such a boon, there are all sorts of places here where civilization may flourish, that you might consider inhospitable back home.”
>“If you call that crap food.” You remark darkly, remembering your encounter with the local conjured cuisine back at Ithaca. “Is that shit even nutritious? The mage back at Ithaca said the Ice Cream I ate was mostly made from bugs or something.”“It lacks the full-value of real food, sure.” Cassius starts. “But you have to admit that-”
>“Gross. They better have something real to eat here.”After what feels like an eternity of climbing, the group finally makes it before the entrance of Hima. True to Cassius’ word, the place is heavily secured. A massive gate and walls stand as a barrier for all who would enter. Two watchtowers are built along the walls, each sporting a pair of archers who look down upon your group. Most intimidating of all though are the Wyvern Riders, perched atop their lizards. At least four of them sit atop the walls, peering down with a healthy amount of suspicion. For a remote location, you thought this might be a bit much. One of the Wyvern Riders descends down from the walls to land before you.