Quoted By:
[KURT REGIS] "For this mission, we've called for the Shofar and the Chabalah."
[KURT REGIS] "Here's a rough layout of the timeline. Currently, it is oh six hours. There is a temple sermon ongoing in the main plaza of the fort. Some ten thousand of the Ashigaru are gathered there right now seeing it. The screens are mostly hosted on the sides of large blimps. They are connected to a broadcasted room near the air control tower. This may be possible to take advantage of."
[KURT REGIS] "The air control tower of the fort is where the Daimyo issues his orders at over the PA system. There is a generator room underneath the tower that seems rather volatile. A plastic explosive may send the whole thing up in flames. Hijacking the blimp broadcasts from the room near the tower may be possible. Otherwise, the Daimyo will likely be in his quarters behind guards."