>>5430880As soon as the remaining bandits hear the gunfire, they cover their heads while biting on their sleeves.
Another volley from the main fighting force flies through the forest, but they are deflected away from the bandits.
So it’s not healing from some pendant
- it’s the clothes that are enchanted with gravitational magic, forming a bubble that deflects projectiles.
As soon as the volley ends, they return fire and begin sprinting towards the hospital.
Much like the lightbending cloaks those kids use, their trinkets don’t last for long.
Only a few minutes at best.
A few fire arrows make their way into the hospital. Pine can only hope those trappers manage to put them out.
The trappers on the hospital shoot out crossbow bolts that are attached with lightblaring steel balls, illuminating the forest with a light so bright that it’s reflection almost blinds Pine and the other flankers.
After a few seconds, the reflection fades away. There’s a few gravitybearers among these bandits, deflecting those arrows back at the hospital and the buildings.
It’s time.
Pine and other flankers deploy their own fire arrow launchers, shooting them near the ones that struggle to stand up or stumbling - a dead giveaway of gravity mages due to the backlash on their bodies.
While their clothing can deflect projectiles, the heat will kill them all the same.
Out of twenty or so bandits, only three mages were spotted and fired upon by both units of flankers.
Right after they fired the arrows, incendiary bombs were thrown at the mages to finish them off.
When the other bandits tried to retaliate, the firecracker traps were triggered, baiting them to look at the wrong positions.
Another volley of crossbow bolts fly into the forest, putting another lull in combat.