Quoted By:
In the screen, I saw two red dots slowly come into view, snaking onto the monitor from its darkness. Eyes. Eyes staring at me, from somewhere I could not tell.
[???] "The dumb robot cannot control it, not even as the appointed.... Guuuhhh! I don't know what world you seek, but my tower is proof enough that it cannot succeed! You'd have to be giving yourself up and reduce to NIL to make anything else work, but my current order. Yess... Order. Order is what it is. What I imposed. Nobody else came up with that. Only me. The utter Chaos of creation will turn against its own makings at any moment. It will turn against that machine, chew it up and spit it right out, and turn against you. It can't be tamed. Foolish girl. Only control is the answer. My trace in the Tower told you so."
'Trace... You mean Sarakha.'
[???] "My footprint told you why. If you let their "fiction" wander freely, you'll just create a grand mess. Who knows how many times it has happened before? I cannot tell... all I know is that, it can be held off. For as long as possible. But here you are, working to undo me at every turn.... I will NOT tolerate it."
[???] "Huuuhhhh... Hhhhuhrrrhhh...... You've hurt those who place their trust in me for long enough.... The next time you should do it, I will not remain idle anymore. I sit outside of all creation, yet within it, simply watching, unreachable..." The raspy tone said; "I shall take those you love away, and I will expose your villainy to all, should you continue to defy me, egg born traitor..... little dumb girl. Little one, whom I could crush even now."
'...The only thing truly boundless about you is your arrogance, old man.'
[???] "You do not get any more chances. Falling to your knees now and thanking me for the godhood I gave you, and the world I let you in is the only chance for "Redemption".... Thank me for your life. Thank me for everything.... or else... or else...."