Quoted By:
<span class="mu-g">”Your window is in twenty minutes. The device must be installed discretely on the atomic-weapon-nullification-field machine. It will disable the field generator- causing Hwat and anyone else in the room to receive lethal doses of radiation.”</span>
“Understood... But I found it troublesome to come here so early to meet you in person. This is a pretty high value cover I have here...”
<span class="mu-g">”We can't rely on digital communication; the Jaxtian AI is just too good nowadays. Your counter-AI core will be your <span class="mu-i">only</span> security and safety net; it can only dodge the network's control and monitoring algorithms for so long. So don't get caught by an actual person!”</span>
It <span class="mu-i">is</span> Alet, the Indigo Supreme Ruler candidate. Is he a traitor? And who was the other man? You think they're about to break up- time to get out of here. Thankfully, your trained gymnast footfalls are too sneaky for them to have heard you!
With that information in hand, you move into the hallway outside the locker room and suddenly realize exactly what you heard- sabotage! Intentional sabotage! And a plot to kill your father- the acting Supreme Ruler! Assassination! This could be huge! But hold on; what... what should you actually do here? It's making you nervous- this is an actual dissident, security situation. All Jaxtian citizens are taught to report anything suspicious or anti-social directly to the nearest Enforcer or AI assistant. You have your phone in your pocket you could pull out for just such a thing- but then again...
The saboteurs mentioned they have counter-AI that can combat the main AI network used by the Hegemony- it probably couldn't stop the full might of it- but it might have enough blind spots to give them a chance to escape or finish a part of their plan. Reporting this directly to the network might send it into high alert and mobilize guards- which would give a lot more advanced warning to the spies.
Second; your father is the Supreme Ruler for crying out loud. You could just call him, warn him, and let him take care of it in a stealthy and covert way- it might be done so good that the spy network could track down whoever this older saboteur is- but you'd be relying on your dad and basically asking for his help. Of course, you don't think he'd think any less of you but...
Truthfully, you feel as though your “legitimacy” as a Supreme Ruler candidate has never been fully established yet. Even by your father, but especially by others- women just aren't seen as that heroic, forward thinking, dominant sort that can rule the Hegemony. Perhaps... Perhaps you could catch this agent red handed, and apprehend him yourself? It would go against a ton of Hegemony protocols, but by doing so, you could gain eyes on you.
What should you do?
>Alert official network
>Contact your father directly
>Stop Alet yourself