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Gothic. High and Low, literacy and speech. How to show deference to Administratum bureaucrats. Sorting by decimal or in alphabetical order. The order cants used on message tickets and how to send them. Notation in short-hand, with movements that pulled at your mind in confusing ways. Strange things that curled and churned in the water, and strained your mind.
Hand. That was a word who's meaning still evaded you, try as you might to understand it. With short-hand also came how to use short-hand with an auto-scribe, something you might have when the client modified you for their needs. They would remove something and then replace it with another, but you did not understand what that was.
That disappointed the Voice, but you don't recall asking it why.
Proper deference to enginseers and techpriests. Their needs were different, their rituals obscure and given only by their will. Oils you should carry, both sacred and practical. Light tech-chants, as expected of an assistant. These things were harder to glean from the water, and it made it churn tightly around you before repeated tides eroded your worries, and allowed you to return to the depths.
<span class="mu-r">The following Parameters have changed:</span>
Conditioning •
Manipulation •••
Vigilance ••
Logic ••••
Intuit •••
<span class="mu-r">Parameters are a simple metric of your basic abilities. They are rated on a scale of one to five. Two is average. Having sufficient dots in a Parameter means that you can fairly easily complete some choices, but if you lack sufficient dots for a choice, attempting them will accrue a point of Strain and risk failure. You can have maximum Strain equal to your points in Conditioning. Attempting to Strain while at your maximum will incur a Strain Check. Finding safe shelter will cleanse all your points of Strain.</span>
<span class="mu-r">The Parameters are:
Conditioning - A combined ranking of your body's strength and swiftness, and also the limits of your endurance.
Manipulation - Your ability to understand the behavior of objects in motion and how to manipulate them, either personally or with tools.
Vigilance - Not only your sensory acuteness, but also your ability to interpret your senses and other information.
Logic - The ability to handle large quantities of discrete information, retain it and organize it, as well as interact with complex systems.
Intuit - Capacity to engage in lateral thinking, understand others and make accurate assumptions.</span>
The further you sank into the water, the more you were taught about yourself. The client was nobility - those who lived in the upper spires of Hive Odrev. A secretarial model, intended for one of the great many attendants who must accompany the lower ranking nobles on their duties. The sacred ports, guarded on high by adepts by divine decree.