>>6108971Elric floats towards you, enveloping you in a one-sided hug that was far too familiar for your liking. He’d often played visitor to Castle Rusalka, following the Weaver Trio along like a lost puppy. He was head over heels for Bronte’s younger sister, Lila. That wasn’t what made seeing him here strange though. What made it strange was that, from what you could tell, Elric had absolutely zero talent or ability when it came to combat. There was no one on Fodlan you could think of who should be in Morfis less than he.
“It’s so nice to see you again, Tristan!” Elric bleats happily. “It’s so funny, I’d just heard the strangest rumor that you were here in Solis!”
>“Oh yeah? Did it happen to involve me and a certain Alexander Gideon?”Elric laughs. “Yes! Just so, cousin! Just so!”
>“We aren’t cousins, Elric. And what are you even doing here? This isn’t a vacation you know? If you heard about what’s happened to Gideon, then you know this is no place for fun and games.” Though you’d be lying if you didn’t have at least a little bit of fun.“I’m here as a contender!” Elric says. “I’m going to win Princess Yulia’s hand!”
>“What the hell are you talking about? Didn’t you just hear what I said?”“Oh Tristain, you haven’t changed a bit. Thinking you can just come in and…whoosh!” Elric pantomimes an axe swinging through the air. “Chop all your problems away! But don’t underestimate me. It will take more than brute strength to win this competition. The people of Morfis are a civilized bunch. They are scholars, poets, and artisans. They would not choose their King with a mere…martial competition!”
>“Are you sure? Because the letter seemed quite clear on that part.”“The letter claimed that only the most “true and valiant” would win. And what do the Morfisians value as true and valiant? The scholarly pursuits, of course. Only one who has studied the philosophical texts and very nature of the world can hope to stand on an even playing field with the queen of this advanced nation. I daresay, that is who will win this competition. The esteemed, Intellectual Warrior!”
“Ahh!” May yelps with a panic. “Boss, is he right? You won’t stand a chance if so!”
>“Of course he’s not right!” You snarl, restraining yourself from shaking the girl. “Besides, if you really believed that Elric, why bring Cuthbert along?” You ask, gesturing to the man escorting the young lord. Cuthbert was Elric’s bodyguard, and was never too far out of his sight. He was a horrifically surly man, who seemed to constantly look as though he’d rather be anywhere else in the world than where he presently was. That being said, the man was a decently strong Halberdier, and a veteran of the Unification War.“Oh, hello Lord Tristan.” Cuthbert says, snapping out of his daydream.