>>5941933>Pencils & Inks: Travis Moore. Colors: Tamra Bonvillian>Alt-text: Comic art of a shocked Riddler caged by rebar bars thrown from the sky.>Dialogue Samples: Anonymous. George Putnam Ludlam. >Sound Effect Samples: Mark Waid.RIDDLER: Listen here you little shit...
RIDDLER: I’ll have you know...
RIDDLER: For the last time! I’m THE RIDDLER. Mr Reese was an <span class="mu-i">alias</span>. I know that may be a big word for a Chem Major but that means NOT REAL.
The superstrong chemist sneers.
BLOCKBUSTER: We got a radar alert.
RIDDLER: It’s just a bird or a plane. Now leave me alone. I’m in the middle of a serious CBI operatio-
You burst through the ceiling of the formerly secret base.
SUPERMAN: The Riddler, I presume?
BLOCKBUSTER: That’s him alright.
RIDDLER: Don’t just stand there you glorified gorilla. Hit him!
Riddler reaches for an alarm, but a blast of your heat vision melts the button.
A man who can lift a pickup trucks swings at you, and you swat him away like an insect.
BLOCKBUSTER: Owww... Yeah, that jerk isn't worth this. I'm just gonna lay here, cool?
You focus on The Riddler.
SUPERMAN: I can’t let you use superscience to hurt people. I need you to turn over this technology. I’ll have to take it if you don’t.
RIDDLER: And what would a muscled-up alien know of technology?
You scan his lab with your Supervision. Its worse than you thought.
You studied humanity's deadliest weapons so you could best keep the undeveloped species from dooming themselves.
You recognize the waveforms. This lab has a connection to the world’s nuclear arsenal.
SUPERMAN: You used The Box to get every country's nuclear codes.
RIDDLER: I would have gotten a lot more if it wasn't for Wayne.
SUPERMAN: That’s why you claimed he hired Batman.
RIDDLER: Heh! Wow, you are behind the curve. Its boring being the smartest person in the room.
Before he can blink, Riddle finds himself caged in by a wall of rebar you pulled from the ground.
SUPERMAN: Being <span class="mu-s">mean</span> isn’t the same thing as being <span class="mu-s">smart</span>.
With Riddler contained, the keys to the deadliest force on earth lay before you.
>The Quest For Peace>Vote Titles: Christopher Reeve, Lawrence Konner & Mark Rosenthal.Humanity can’t be trusted with this kind of power. Use the codes to disable every nuke on Earth.
>The Man Who Could Cause Catastrophe>Vote Title: Len Wein.Reprogram the codes so only you can use them. The leaders of these countries are dangerous and out of control. Seizing their doomsday devices keeps the planet safe.
>The Man Who Could Cancel Catastrophe>Vote Title: Len WeinDestroy the machine. No one person should have this much power.
{Vote for any number of options you are comfortable with. The option with the highest total votes wins.}