Quoted By:
<span class="mu-i">ICE CREAM</span>, of course! You can barely concentrate with <span class="mu-i">fatty</span> over there eating so damn loud! Flipping you the bird with her sharp, but tiny claws, <span class="mu-r">LIL’ STANLEY</span> attacks Denise’s cone with even more gusto as you watch enviously! Did no one seriously think to get you one?!
“We figured you’d get all pissy if we didn’t somehow guess your favorite flavor or whatever.” Talbot grunts, earning a series of nods from Eddie, Kiki, and Denise. Fair enough, you growl, but if someone doesn’t grab you a frozen treat in <span class="mu-s">ONE UPDATE</span> you’re gonna let this jackass go!
“By all means,” Jed’s skull purrs, “take your time!”
“C-can <span class="mu-i">we</span> get ice cream too?” Cal asks, voice still weak from whatever torture was inflicted on him by the killer. Sure, you nod, but if anyone touches your favorite flavor you’re gonna lose your <span class="mu-i">SHIT!</span>
“Come on, everyone!” Shouts a one-eyed refugee with a rallying cry, “It won’t heal the mental or physical wounds, but I used to go here all the time… and this place uses <span class="mu-i">REAL</span> cream!”
“I-I always wanted to try an ‘<span class="mu-i">icy cream!</span>’” Squeaks Sandy the Vent Urchin as the zombie-like horde of rescued hostages pushes her towards the ice cream parlor! “Is it like <span class="mu-i">Vent Pizza?</span>”
Watching the crowd push and shove into the establishment like it was Black Friday, you turn to your so-called ‘friends’ and impatiently tap your nonexistent watch. <span class="mu-i">WELL</span>?!
“ON IT!” Eddie shouts, voice positively <span class="mu-i">dripping</span> with ‘<span class="mu-i">gogetterness</span>’! Shoving his way through the crowd, he’s swiftly joined by Kiki and Talbot–-the latter chucking the people you just saved aside like candy wrappers!
Now that <span class="mu-i">that’s</span> settled, you grin, you’ve got a few other things on your docket to take care of!
“One of ‘em had better be ‘Call Good Boy.’” Art grumbles as he watches Syb scrub her boots clean with a sponge and industrial-grade bleach. MMm, smells nostalgic! And yea, you snarl, that <span class="mu-i">is</span> on the list! Don’t think you didn’t notice him, Tucker, Syb, and Denise not springing to grab you a treat, either!
“Gee, can’t get anything past you, can I?” Art asks in a tone that you’re pretty sure is sarcastic. Whatever, man! Waving him off to tend to his, ech, <span class="mu-i">GIRLfriend</span>, you whip out your <span class="mu-g">RADIO</span> and hiss a few greetings into the receiver–does anyone read you!? ‘<span class="mu-i">Towers are falling,</span>’ or whatever!
<span class="mu-i">Stanley.</span>” Replies a mechanical voice shortly after, “<span class="mu-i">’Falling Glass Can Cut. I wasn’t expecting a report this soon–have you dispatched the final lieutenant?</span>”
HAH! One step at a time, sister!