Rolled 40, 55 = 95 (2d76)
>>6025597>>6025597>>6025454>>6025444>>6025439>>6025375>>6025364>>6025261>>6025258>>6025216>>6025201>>6025200>>6025194>>6025181>>6025180>>6025178>>6025174>>6025167While there’s something to be said for cat-like agility, I’m also told that Tom’s ‘manly physique’ makes squeezing through tight places tricky, which somewhat negates the organic advantage which some attest to. Since Beta’s apparently specced for speed and manoeuvrability, and leads by two points, I’ll not get in his blue bolt’s way!
There’s something to be said for using every part of the animal, but from what I see amongst the arguments, Reynauld’s klan have a somewhat less discerning appetite than Kiro’s crew, and actual pictorial (animated!) evidence of competent cookery is hard to argue against, especially when he’s already leading. I’ll thus cede to popular opinion on this one and tally round seven up for…
>Beta (Core of Steel)and
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)