Oh no, they're hot.
>>5934393> Remaining for a while, you offer Dame Svetlanna your commiseration and shared outrage at the unjust decision of the Duchess Romaine to banish her despite her innocence. Having come across and brought to justice a false knight yourself, as well as proven your own squires innocence in a trial by combat, you have more insight than most of these things. [Dame Svetlanna]Love the parralels to our own journey, also that was not too long before we started our own.
>> PERSUASION AUTO-PASS: Romaine Duchy Origin:Unlike knights from other duchies, the warrior women of the Silver Rose are not so unheard of in your home duchy that you risk offending them upon first introductions. You love to see it.
I want to get to know more of them, as anons said they're all super interesting.
Also supporting inviting them to watch our duel. Having one of them as a second would be even better.
Me :