>>5721765“Admit it!” the Paladin roars then, breaking your brief and contemplative silence. “Admit what you did, MONSTER! You enslaved Prince Rufos, poisoned King Archos, MURDERED Prince Alexos, and deceived and despoiled Princess Ekaterine! YOU are the one who set these dragons upon us, spoiled relations with our neighbours, and brought ruin to our city and our subjects across the realms!”
You blink a couple times at the claims—some astute, many outlandish. Does this man really think you are the root of ALL Hawksong’s problems? Well, maybe in a roundabout way, EPRHAPS… But not ALONE, and not ALWAYS deliberately. Then again, you suppose it does not matter—not to him. You take a step back as he draws holy steel—a broad-blade sword of gleaming silver and polished leather, unspoiled by war—or, you realize with a start, enchanted powerfully against its vagaries. A Holy Avenger, like that of the Paladin Prince.
“Confess it now,” the Paladin growls, “and face me with honour, ‘Knight Ascendant’.”
You stare at him, shocked at his invocation of your god, and the Paladin grins grimly, mirthlessly.
“Oh, you thought your patrons secret, did you? We learned MUCH from your captured ‘Chaplain’ here-the one Sir Yosef captured alive. I know about your foul false gods, snake. I know of your foul mockery of chivalry. So answer me—if you have honour, if you are not AFRAID, hiding in shadows like the weak and venomous adder you are, speak plainly, and face me fairly! Admit your purpose, your master and your crimes! Draw your sword, False Prince of Hawksong, and face the judgement of the forces of Good! We end this here—in the name of Moroth, in the name of Marese, and in the name of mankind!”
You blink, once, and release another breath. No ambush? No secret plan? Just... A duel? Huh. Well, it HAS been a while since you faced such a straight-forward opponent, but you know your duty here… Right?
...Unless this is a ruse? A distraction?
(Eka... Olu... The Thief... Where are they? What is happening to them?)
>Admit it—the truth, unvarnished and whole, and take up steel [which sword(s)?]>Deny the charges, and refuse to draw your weapon—instead, explain why you did what you did [specify if you use any specific wording to avoid breaking your oaths]>Strike from a distance—end this swiftly, without any more of this farcical moralizing, with arrows and flame [if you have a justification why this Paladin’s challenge is invalid and he is unworthy, explain it]>Summon forth the ice elemental from your <Ring of Elemental Command>, and leave—honour be damned, you need to find and save your men, and your wife! [Absolutely an act of dishonour in your god’s eyes… But maybe worth it?]>Write-in