>>6140202<span class="mu-r">…</span>
<span class="mu-r">You</span> are <span class="mu-r">Zith-Zi</span>. While your ‘soul-sister’ or ‘shadows-elf’ or ‘twin’ or ‘whatever-the-fuck’ has been farting around something doing who-knows-what, <span class="mu-r">YOU</span> have been hard at work. Today, that’s meant spending the better part of the day on a boat—The Pearl, named for its fat, greedy, dwarf-bitch helmswoman, who is at least willing to let goblin and women and goblin-women ride along and seems to know what she’s doing. What time you haven’t spent bemusedly watching Khorine the goat-girl try not to hurl has been spend under the lake, creeping through tunnels of wet earth and sodden stone to underground areas of Sunset Lake, seeking a monster.
Well, you found it. You came, you saw, you kicked its ASS! But then it, uh, kind of got away from you while you were all soaked in poisonous puke.
Now, you and your crew—and the Maladoo Gang—are all on your way back to port—to the Sunset Lake docks on the other side of the eponymous body of water, to turn in evidence of aforementioned ass-kicking and monster-culling to the Baron’s men.
But to what end?
>You want a meeting with the Baron, to discuss getting some formal aid from the nobleman as the OFFICIAL hunters in charge of this operation—cutting out competitors like Green Leif Company>You’re seeking a payday, simple as that—you’re low on coin, you want to stock up before you run out, and you figure preventing an infestation of giant fuck-off salamander monsters deserves recompense>You plan to bluff the bastard, claiming you slew the Lake Monster proper—it’s hiding out somewhere, so you figure you could spin this into the BIG score, then get out of dodge before it rears its ugly head again, if you play your cards right>You want to warn them about the dark magic at play, and discuss possible causes of this unholy occult interference in the local ecology>Write-in