You should be tired by now, but you're feeling more amped up than ever. Gunshots ring behind you, but turning around you just see your own guys moving up. You rush down the stairs and scan the area for threats, finding none.
>"COMBAT STIMS": +4At this point it's clear that the battle for this strongpoint is won. You're not sure if they're trying to surrender, and really you don't care. You signal to the reinforcements that you and your squad will clear out a set of rooms on the lefthand side of the entrance and get to work. The first door just leads to some janitor's closet. The next two are just empty restrooms. And the final one is some kind of office. There are cabinets and legal documents and other crap all around.
"Shit!" you hear one of your squad-mates call out before dumping a mag's worth of rounds under a table. Blood pools out from there. "Damn, she picked a bad spot to hide."
"Yep," the medic responds as he walks over. "Well, room's clear and our job's done."
"Yo guys, nice fucking job with th-" You're again interrupted by your voice cracking from dry throat. "Fuck, need a drink."
Luckily this office has a water cooler. "Damn dry ass smoke filled desert air," you mumble as you take a drink from the plastic cup. The water from the cooler is ice cold and feels really nice. You drink a second time and then a third and forth after that. You realize just how hot and sweaty you are. Without even thinking you keep the water on and put your head under it. "Yeah, yeah! That's- yeah that's the good stuff!" You're tempted to just rip the five gallon jug off of the cooler and dunk it all over yourself.
"Jesse, you good?" one of the reinforcements asks while you're still pouring water on your head. "Anyway, we cleared out the building, barley took any casualties too. Orders?"
>RESULT: 20 - 1 = 19>DECISIVE VICTORY: Strongpoint Cleared With Minimal Casualties...