Quoted By:
"<span class="mu-g">Sez here. Two bolgiewagz; main contriboota. Two webjumpahz, ice, present. Two saves, no capture, when jumped by large whippet drake, ice. Eight scarotuurz, main contriboota; six white shaggerz, one alpha inclusiv, main con; three zerk merfs, young herd mom inclusive, main con; da da da da, and a glassy zappy. Muh Shammies say da glassy un's a command carsta; theyre having him tame big problem icies caught up from va Deep End of Sotther Look. Very useful. Yer work roit gudd, Reddy. Got a proppa name?</span>"
"<span class="mu-r">Toady, Bosser.</span>"
Dokk smiles Shammie-ly, like one who knows things.
"<span class="mu-g">Juzt for yer earz, Toady. Gorrlovva ratted yer in hiz revoo. Sez yer incited sit-in mootny wiv da Gobbz, durnt take ordaz, crib triple rasshunz, skive like a dry snail. Sez it would straighten yer if I'z sent yer wiv da foot scoutz.
I darnt warnt yer ter go settle up widdim, cause I get better work outta him if he keeps finking he'z got my ear, and I'm finna do just as he sez, so happens. I believe yer much gudder than he sez, to rustle his jimmies this much. Siddarn. I'll broo uz a sip.</span>"
You watch him clear out a smolly cauldron, size of your belly, chuck a bunch of grass herb and dried fruit inna, bring it just before boil, and pour it out strained in a wide clay plate, into which he adds peppery sugar and fans cool before pouring in two smol bowls.
Dis ain't the tea the In-Turn taught yer. Dokk showing roit respect. Of course that prolly means he's gonna ask fer sumn hefty in a bit; doesn't stop you feeling gudd about it.
Tea's very gudd. You savor it.
"<span class="mu-g">Heard of da foot scouts, Toady.</span>"
"<span class="mu-r">Nar. Heerdy va Woof Raiderz tho. Allus figgered demm da scouts.</span>" You speak honestly; Gobbz can be expected to be ignorant of all things. Acting stupid enough and you might draw out information from people correcting you out of frustration.
"<span class="mu-g">The Raiderz iz farst scouts. Galloppy farst. But farst ain't thorough. Farst <span class="mu-i">spots,</span> doesn't <span class="mu-i">nootice.</span>
Used to be we had mobbz of foot scouts. Skulker n creeper specialists. Gudd at nooticin. Go out down among the weakies, scope their towns and stashes so we can hit em goolies gudd. Pretty tuffy lot, good at losing and confoozin chasers innawoodz.
Bart two Suns Solar year ago a verrr speshul Scout comes along. Name of Sordo at first, then Lukky, then Fly-Bite; Clewfinda, now. Smarmy git. You'll hate him.
Dulugtangor, our ShammyBoss, gives a good word of him, so he gets to Boss a troop of foot scouts.
He jobz gudd, lots lewts. Weird how little raepen n killen there was in his raidz, but also no dedd griggers. OverBoss likes dat. Big numbaz gudd, numba go up gudd. So he gets moar n moar scout mobbz to run.
They go raiding furva, furva; da scoutz start taking numbas. No wounds, only deffs, and lotsy deffs. The places Clewfinda keeps hitting are loaded with Fighties. </span>"