[This is FEVER 105, bringing the FEVERISH HEAT]
Regarding your earlier queries, Agents...
>>6160646Fetch pocketed the holo picture. She didn't say anything. You didnt know she had pockets. But you find her touching a part of her scraggly rags, thoughtfully, every now and again.
Analgesics, I wish I knew. Her biochemistry is by definition unusual. There would be side effects to any medicine we gave her without a full workup of her profile. But on the other hand, she has at least some genetic similarity with animal life, templated off of it. NervTranq works by reducing signal pathways across nerve transmission boundaries, and so should still have an affect. But expect it - and most things - to wear off quick. Her innate RESISTANCES would likely function has hard reduction to any drugs.
As for stimulants, you have those in your aid kit, Agent. You take them with First Aid or inject them into others, and it either helps them recover, get up, shake off fatigue, or helps you move faster and do more at the cost of crashing later. Try not to abuse the modified reavestimms. An injection gives you Adrenaline. Back to that in a moment.
>>6160668Proper motorcycle padding is essential to safety. Look at Agent Vennsfield's good example!
Origami folding was instrumental. It remains so. And if you ever need to make tight, precise turns in complex space, well, origami folding helps.
>>6160673Ink can't tell you what that's about because she's not here, but I've watched her work before, and I think I have an idea how she does what she does, Tech Support Devonshire. It's important to understand Ink's talents aren't "magical" or anything like that. Instead, she sort of ... has an enhanced sense for small coincidences and possibilities and an incredible grasp of timing.
Improvisational Improbabilites lets you try to do the same thing - you target the environment (mostly) or a target antagonist (rarely) and you exploit an opening. Perhaps you put a broom down by the door earlier, and as someone kicks in the door, it turns out that the broom tangles in their legs? Ink is always moving and adjusting and setting things up. Most of her stuff never works, but you don't notice. She adjusts an ashtray a little to the left, and in bar-fight, it means she can crack someone over the head with it. But if a fight never breaks out, how would you tell?
>There are many, many uses for this trick, but the most common use is to "interact" with people through the environment, if you or someone else has interacted with it before or if you have means to do so. 'I shoot the fusebox to short out the lights' kinda thing. Other tricks rely on timing, lucky coincidences and a mixture of the two. Improv benefits heavily from targetting items and objects and specific situations, so even low dicepools can have higher payoff. >>6161235Assuming they get their route entirely correct isn't going to work every time, right, Agent?