>>5602893Bound up like that, he won't make it far. Your wires are coiled around him. He'll try to struggle out (and his allies aid him). If you . . . Pull. . . Now, you can slice into him. A bit more deft manoeuvring simply shifts your prey around.
>>5602912Good eyes Jove. I don't see any cages myself, just crates and stall and a few forlorn looking fruit stands. Back alley merchandise, huh? Although. . . There, you see it? On the roof? It looks like someone's piled a lot of jagged rubble. Easy to cause a small avalanche with an arrow or thrown rock or some-such. I think the Luperni might have prepared the grounds. Or maybe it's a local gang that sets the roofs these ways. Anyhow, the pile of rocks can be pushed over - they'll fall on anyone below.
And ... <span class="mu-i">Huh</span>. That door. It's been busted down. See the woodsplinters. It looks like an office of some kind? Probably harbour related. We don't have a lot of time to investigate, but I'm always keen on mysteries.
>Bloom, Jove and Lamia have acted.>Remaining crew feel free to act as per /this/ update. We'll give you about 8 hours or until a few more slink in. No rush. Maybe catch some sleep, soft-souls?