>>5336355>18You see the Boss’ eyes flicker, as the bugbear leader’s uncommon wisdom (for one of his vile sort, anyway) allows him to comprehend your point—even understand your attempt to empathize.
“Rrrr,” he growls, “fine. We will try it your way, Copper.”
So it is that the next day is dedicated to your organizing of a sparring competition, between bugbears, elves, and Reptilians. Your subordinates draw a chalk ring, wherein two males may enter and attempt o drive the other one out to secure a nominal reward and bragging rights. Aiding you in this is the Pit Guard; after all, he has decades of experiencing in keeping hormonal young males in line, even your OWN worthy self.
The Bugbear Boss is also ever on-hand, and inf act demands to be treated as co-organizer of this little event, to save face and maintain clear status among his warriors. You grudgingly oblige, since it seems to be necessary for his pecking order to be maintained, and because he has more success at predicting when one of his Bogbarri will snap and take a sparring match too far, attempting to draw a weapon or to jam spikes into a friendly adversary’s eyes. Several times, he and the Pit Guard together must tackle two opponents and drag them apart to prevent a fatality; when the Pit Guard does this, he drags the offender before you, so you can administer a few blows and bellows of your own. In time, you even take your space in the ring yourself—though NOT against the Boss, by mutual unspoken understanding.
By the end of the lengthy exercise, you see some signs of success. You master a few simple dwarven words—commands, warnings—and the Bogbarri heed them flinchingly. You also learn something of the Bogbarri’s fighting style and temperament: they prefer to attack indirectly, always loping sideways and striking from blind spots, targeting weaknesses and injuries, blinding or maiming if given half a chance… And, surprisingly and perhaps a little disappointingly, at any moderate suffering or risk of failure, they are quick to flee, to nurse their wounds and regroup.