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Despite lacking one fourth of your skinkpower, you make a good deal of progress this week.
First, your building crew : while your <span class="mu-s">Carpenter</span> struggle the whole week to , your <span class="mu-s">masons</span> have not been idle : Bickering kept in order by Shak Tcha, your first <span class="mu-s">Housing Unit</span> have been completed.
It's far from enough to let everyone sleep inside - even with your relatively reduced numbers. This create a new challenge : who should sleep inside?
>Everybody on a turnover-style arrangement : An equal arrangement, at the risk of making everybody equally unhappy
>Random selection of permanent floorspace habitants!
>Reward good performance : the first floorspace will be given to the most prominent members of the community
On the bad news, you almost exhausted all your stone reserve. With the cold ones buzy and most Saurus gone, the hauling will prove challenging
>Assign stonemason and young stonecarver
To build :
Housing (3 units)
Stables (Terradons)
On the pen side, your Boarskink stepped up his game and got his revenge on the boar that trampled him - until he get it under reasonnably good control.
>Get the boars to graze
>Train other boarskinks
>Help with hauling
But one of the good surprise of the week is the great reveal of the work of the first Lizardfolk Designer, K'rrl Daggerfelt
His boar-pelt work is inspired by the scale-motives of importants skinks of the community - mainly Shak Tcha.