She doesn’t gotta tell <span class="mu-i">you</span> twice! Watching with pity as the drunken Durher sways like seaweed, you gently prod the juice closer to her and tell the girl to drink!
“<span class="mu-i">Dun… dunh you SHEEE!?</span>” Snarls the Spinner as she swats at the air far above the mug, “<span class="mu-i">I… I’m finshink my OThrr dring, Anndun… hellish, cngnaGIRL geddalil dring timuron heer…</span>”
Super. You’ll uh… you’ll check on her after you look at that board.
“<span class="mu-i">GarrrRy meee ovvrrr… wanngOme chuu…</span>”
Yea, not happening.
Taking your drink with you, you march on over to the infamous <span class="mu-b">JOB BOARD</span> while Ma keeps an eye on the soused Spinner!
It ain’t hard to find–in the short trek over to the board side of the bar you’re already beaten to the punch by several patrons… some clad in armor that jingles with every step, a few stepping so softly you nearly bump into them! Guess the job industry is boomin, huh?
“Hah! You can say <span class="mu-i">that</span> again!” Replies Volka as she pauses to let a party of Durhers slip past, “Not ta’ mention you get to help people doing it! Everybody wins!”
Unless they die on the job, right? Volka’s smile dips a bit.
“Y-yea! Err, lemme take a look at these…”
As the Skog dips down to peruse the postings, you step aside for a few more pushy professionals. Question, you begin as a Mzz’goe’virr sends six eyes-worth of nasty glances your way, why aren’t they just taking all the jobs off the board?
“Courtesy, mostly!” Chirps your interpreter as she tsks at one of the unseen postings, “Let’s say ya’ get in a tight spot, yea? If you’re lucky another person might come along for the same gig an’ help ya out!”
What if you die? Or they wanna poach your reward?
“Ya’ improvise!” She replies with a sly wink! “Okay, here’s a few good ones ta’ get your feet wet–lemme know what ya’ think!”
<span class="mu-g">CHOOSE YOUR JOB!</span>>TOTTA INFESTATION: My shop basement is brimming with the damn things! Looking for a quick and effective solution! 250 BELLS, BROAD DISTRICT! Ask for MITZA>EVENT SECURITY: We’re holding another Spin-Off in Whisper Park to help spread the word about new talent! The audience grew a bit rowdy last time… need some muscle to keep things pleasant! 300 BELLS, WHISPER PARK. Speak to BOOLI>MISSING CHILDREN: Can’t find. Please need help. 200 BELLS, RAGS DISTRICT. Talk Mimut>Is there anything ELSE!?“Just ta’ help ya’ decide,” Volka chimes in, “Broad’s a Merchant’s Quarter. Lotsa businesses! Whisper Park’s near <span class="mu-b">FOUNDER’S COURT</span>--y’know, where all the politicians gather. As for the Rags District, well… it’s where ya’ go when ya’ can’t afford anywhere else…”