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The group talked about it, planning out that they would infact separate from one another. The agreement being that they would not attempt to start any fights amongst the creatures who were within the Karak. One group would make their way towards the Palace of the dead Kings of Karak Kol, while the other group would make their way towards the tombs of the fallen.
The Lizardmen and Gillot went together, the Knight not really knowing what to think about the giant monster that was Bok. Yet he accepted their assistance if nothing more than he was willing to see through this quest of theirs.
Lucian and Adok were together as well on this, with the Scouts who did not go with the others to the King’s Palace. The two were watching as the Dwarfen scout tapped the wall in a stead manner, almost like a heartbeat to look for something. The Scout hit something he was looking for, calling out to the rest of the Dwarfs to help him pull out a section of wall that was hidding another pathway.
This had happened several more times until one of the Dwarfs opened one of the slabs slower than usual. His eyes searched the outside as prey looking for the predator. He gave a motion to the rest of them, the group rising slowly out into the room with eyes searching the cellar for anything that strike at them.
“Its clear.” Said Adok towards Lucian as he got a final good look, “Bring out the torchlight.”
As he was instructed the Knight rose his lanturn and lit the room. The Dwarfs slowly and delicately closed the passage door behind them with full expectation that they were not going to use the same pathway they used to get here to get out of here. Their steeds, Truffles and Nightshade, both left far in the depths of the Dwarfen escape paths so that they could leave together later.
The Dwarfen Scouts, with skill that Lucian never expected of their kind, glided into the darkness with ease and through the door at the end of the room. They soon came back in, making a motion for them all to go through into the greater temple proper.