The idea I had with this
>>5244196Was to create a traditional fantasy genre world where the direction and magnitude of noblebright or grimdark was directly linked to the actual movement of SPX in the real world. To win the game all you would have to do is predict actual SPX, it is obviously really easy lol, look I vaguely unconvincingly did it on a 2-week basis here hehe.
>>5246639>My instinct on SPX is downSPX index close
2022 April 28, 4,287.50
2022 May 11, 3935.18
8.2% towards GRIMDARK, yay(?)
I got the idea from Escape From Tarkov, I heard that you can loot graphics cards in the game which are sold for currency, early on when btc occurred and ramped the price for graphics cards in the real world that had corresponding effects for the game world set prices of looted items, how players fought and looted the shopping mall map etc (I also heard they had some issues with the currency peg between in game rubles and real world rubles too lol).
Originally I thought about doing it just in the Golgotha modern day urban gothic setting but that is too blatant and obvious hehe. What would be much better is if you made the world in the style of Beowulf, but every character item scenario and phenomenon had a real life disguised counterpart.
I just thought it would be an interesting experiment, create a quest where instead of dice rolls, the determination is tied to a real-world index.