t's like he's a completely different man now. No longer does he yells at the top of his lungs or ramble with an ecstatic, buzzing energy. If it wasn't for the purple robe he was wearing, you would think he was a scientist or researcher. "Are you willing to help us?"
You don't really have an option here. Well, you do, but you DO want to finish the courses and you rather not piss off a military base full of people while you're inside one. You nod. "Yeah. Not like I got a choice."
"Excellent." Sebastian returns an oddly bright smile despite his obvious wariness to you. <<span class="mu-b">"Good. No need for reinforcements."</span>> He taps some sort of code into the keypad. Once the airlock opens, he immediately rushes it and just as quickly as he entered, it shuts close. You're now left alone in a brightly lit, empty room with nothing to do but to try to not pass out from the pain you're feeling.
Only now do you realize there's an intercom speaker in one of the corners of the room. "The goal of this course is to find a way to keep your focus, regardless of what happens to you." Sebastian's voice drones out of the speaker. "To aid in this, a hallucinogen will be pumped into this room. I wouldn't bother holding your breath, it soaks into your skin."
[PERSON OF INTEREST] You immediately knock the chair over and move to put on a gas mask. YOU ARE NOT GETTING FUCKING KIDNAPPED, THANKS-
Before you can even move, your vision fails.
https://youtu.be/ABCwX_ERUmw - ??????
Nicole is on a path in the woods. And at the end of that path is a cabin. And in the basement of that cabin, someone is waiting for her. She is here to talk to this person. Her goal is to find out every dirty secret they have. Then she slays them. If she doesn't, she'll die. Simple, right?
"W-wait." Nicole hisses to herself. "Where am I?" She flexes her hands. She doesn't quite know what's going on. For some unexplainable reason, she feels like she's detached from herself. Of course, no one responds to her, since she is alone out here. Not even the thoughts in her head are responding to her.
Of course, it's very obvious where she is. She's in the woods. Where else would she be? She can't quite remember anything BEFORE the woods. All she knows it that her head is oddly quiet.
Now, what does Nicole do?
>Follow the path.>Disregard the goal and turn around, walking away from the cabin. "I'm not doing this.">She tries to remember how she got here. (COGNIZANCE DC: 11, rolling 4d6. Pass and she'll get some of her memories back.)>"Hello? Voices? Where are you?" She tries to bring a voice back. Foolish, really. (WILLPOWER DC: 21, rolling 6d6. Succeed and one of them will return, willing to offer you advice in this weird situation.)>Sit and wait. There's no real reason to go anywhere, right? Something about that goal she was given sounds fishy.>She tries to use a power. That's all she remembers she has... (Write in how she wants to her your powers.)>Write in.