>>6049217>Gahhhhhhhh!!!!!! This scene is so dumb!!!!!!! Who's even writing this thing?????Ӝ Miharu: Okay, first of all, you're not even royalty!
She points at the Violet Royal Princess.
Ӝ Miharu: He's the one that's royalty, not you! Second of all! Even the strong can be protected or comforted, and even the weak can stand strong! The warrior returning from battle is comforted by his wife, and his wife stands strongest of all when she's defending her home while the warrior is away! No one's strong all the time, and true courage is found when the weak decide to stand up against someone much stronger! Third of all! My explanation was perfect! Sweets are beauty, and bitter tea is strength! They can pair nicely with one another, and balance each other out, like the princess was saying! However, I think there's time for bitter to be paired with bitter, and sweets to be paired with sweets! No one can stand bitterness forever, and too many sweets ruins everything, but even then, sometimes you're in the mood for dark chocolate with coffee, and sometimes you want your cookie with hot chocolate!
Miharu pants, tired after a long tirade.
Ӝ Miharu: Finally, fourth of all, why don't you guys have a place for you to put down your keys?? What kind of crazy people keep keys in their pockets all the time??? They're sharp and they're metal and they jab into your leg and are super uncomfortable, and I don't even think your dresses have pockets at all???????????
And- cut. Miharu is still panting- but it's done! Her audience, very pretty men, had almost devolved into Greek statues while she was yapping about, in an almost literal, eerie way
very notorious as life surges back into them and they start clapping.
Violet Royal Princess: Yes, girl! Preach!
Gothic Vampire Bride: No way vampire brides aren't royalty, though?
Frilly Scarlet Maid: Vampire can be poor too!
Gothic Vampire Bride: But they are always portrayed as aristocrats?
At least they've stopped bickering among themselves like actual, high-class ladies with nothing better to do than wallow in husband's earnings.
Violet Royal Princess: So to close things up: you can be strong AND pretty.
Frilly Scarlet Maid: Or pretty AND weak.
They lock eyes. Aww come-oooooooooonnn!!!
Violet Royal Princess: And both at the same time, as our intruder explained. The weak have to rise and be strong-
Frilly Scarlet Maid: -and the strong have to let themselves be weak to be comforted and princess-carried.
Gothic Vampire Bride: And there was no doubt about any of that and you would have known if you listened to a word the other said!
They sure like to talk... Miharu helps herself to some cookies without even asking because she earned and that's final. Hmm... wait, are these the real deal? Suddenly worried, she looks at the gothic bride.
Gothic Vampire Bride: Good, huh? Straight from Europe, help yourself.
Miharu knows that this cookie alone would devastate her allowance.