>>6055876“Coen, hold us steady. I’ve got them!” Kiro’s comms portrait calls out over his shoulder.
A twin flash of actinic green light preempts a searing glow as two mines detonate before they can bring their bomb-pumped XASER warheads to bear.
>Coen uses BASIC action: [AUTOPILOT]>Kiro uses BASIC action: [LASER: AUTO]Having cleared the way ahead, your wingmate swoops in performing an expert evasive dive to join you in formation. Together you are ready to face whatever the Beta bridge crew can bring to bear.
>Coen uses ADV. action: [EVADE]“Alright, let’s see what’s out there!” Your Ops officer chirps excitedly, having already forgotten his earlier indignation.
>Kiro uses ADV. action: [SCAN]Your fighter’s HUD pulses as it receives the results of your wingmate’s scan and your scope rapidly fills with red markers. It looks like this simulation will be pulling no punches.
“Lieutenant Commander Annon,” The comms panel switches to show Coen’s stern, green-tinged features, “Minefields are detected in sectors C, T and B — all size five — and enemy fighter craft are detected flanking from sector L. What are your orders, Sir?”
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">Flight Sim Mechanics:</span>
You control two AS-24 ‘Foxbat’ Aerospace fighters, one piloted by Ceo and Dallas (CD-01), the other by Coen and Kiro (CK-02).
Each fighter has four(4) expendable Ordnance(O), twin LASER cannons, four(4) Hull(H) points, and four(4) directional Shields(S) — two(2) Left and two(2) Right — which regenerate one(1) per side at the beginning of each round.
The simulation is ‘on rails’ and split into five(5) sectors a fighter can occupy as shown by your SCANNER. These sectors are designated Centre (C), Top (T), Bottom (B), Left (L) and Right (R).
You will encounter stationary mines and enemy fighters which will also occupy certain sectors each round.
Each enemy or mine not destroyed by the end of the round will attack the nearest fighter to its sector.
Damage is taken on the closest Shield(S) to the attack direction then on the Hull(H). Underlying systems may be critically damaged and impair function when taking Hull(H) damage.
Each character can take two(2) total actions per round: one(1) BASIC action and one(1) ADV. action.
Every character has access to the BASIC actions but only some ADV. actions are available to certain characters based on their skills.
Actions requiring rolls will be affected by a character’s stats. (E.g MIND+ or BODY+ boosting shooting/evasion, SOUL+ boosting assist actions.)</span>